Who is Ogie Diaz Dating Now? Past Relationships, Current Relationship Status, Rumours, and Facts

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Ogie Diaz is a well-known Filipino talent manager, comedian, and radio host. He has a massive following in the Philippines and fans are often curious about his personal life, particularly his dating life. In this article, we will explore his past relationships, current relationship status, rumours, breakup, and some interesting facts.

Relationship Wiki Table:

NameRelationship StatusYear of Breakup
Georgette TengcoEx-Wife2016

Who is Ogie Diaz Dating Now?

As of May 2023, Ogie Diaz has not publicly revealed any information about his current relationship status. He is known for keeping his personal life private, and there is no news or rumours about him dating anyone.

Past Relationships:

Ogie Diaz was previously married to his ex-wife, Georgette Tengco. The couple got married in 2001 and had two children together before eventually separating in 201Ogie Diaz has not publicly revealed any other past relationships.

Current Relationship Status:

As mentioned earlier, Ogie Diaz has not publicly revealed any information about his current relationship status. He is known for keeping his personal life private, and there is no news or rumours about him dating anyone.


There are no significant rumours or controversies surrounding Ogie Diaz’s personal life, including his dating life. He has maintained a relatively low profile when it comes to his personal life, and there are no rumours about any past or present affairs.


Ogie Diaz’s only known public breakup was with his ex-wife, Georgette Tengco, in 201He has not publicly spoken about the reasons for the breakup or any other past breakups.



Ogie Diaz has not publicly revealed any information about his current relationship status, and there are no rumours or news about him dating anyone. He was previously married to his ex-wife, Georgette Tengco, before separating in 201Ogie Diaz is known for keeping his personal life private, and there are no significant rumours or controversies regarding his relationships. His fans will undoubtedly continue to support him and his work in the entertainment industry.
