What Happened to Donut Media's James Pumphrey? He Nearly Died

May 2024 · 3 minute read

What happened to Donut Media's James Pumphrey? The gearhead talks about getting a "second chance" after near-death experience.

Allison Cacich - Author

When Donut Media editor in chief James Pumphrey accepted the Streamy Award for Sports on Dec. 11, the celebratory event was a far cry from where the 34-year-old had been a month ago.

On Nov. 2, the Bumper 2 Bumper host posted several selfies from a hospital bed, revealing he had undergone major surgery following a near-death experience.

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What happened to Donut Media’s James Pumphrey?

In a lengthy Instagram post, the YouTuber explained that he started feeling "weird pains" in his neck and shoulders on Oct. 29. By the next morning, the severe discomfort had spread to his jaw and right arm.

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James ended up driving himself to the ER. "They ran some tests and told me that I had been having a heart attack for the past 12 hours," he shared. "Turns out I had another heart attack about six months ago and two of the three arteries that feed my heart had 100 percent blockage."

The gearhead told followers that doctors were able to clear one of the blocked arteries and added a stint to keep it open. "The other artery was rock hard but my body had grown collateral vessels to feed itself so it’s now getting sufficient blood flow," he confirmed.

James' dad died of a heart attack at the age of 48.

The self-described "introverted extrovert" acknowledged that he should’ve been taking better care of himself given what happened to his father. James’ older sister had also suffered a similar experience to his before she even turned 30. "Apparently I have really bad genetics when it comes to my heart," he noted.

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"I don’t exercise. I eat like s--t. I smoked for 15 years. I’m taking this as a second chance to turn it all around," he wrote. "I’m going to do everything I can every day to stay here for as long as possible."

James went on to thank the doctors, nurses, and technologists at UCLA Medical Center "for saving my life." He also gave a shout-out to his co-workers at Donut for allowing him time to rest and recover.

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"I’ll be back soon, stronger than ever with a bunch of running jokes and anecdotes about the craziest experience of my entire life," he concluded. "I love you."

On Nov. 18, James revealed he had returned to work less than three weeks after his hospitalization. A few days later, he reported that he was back in front of the camera.

"Shot my first video since my ticker blew up on me and I’m feeling great!" James wrote on Nov. 21. "Thanks to everyone in the community for sending kind words and good vibes when I really needed them. Big things coming in 2020 and beyond."

Fans showed their support for the automotive influencer in the comments section. "Check Engine Light came on… glad [you’re] back and better," one Instagram user wrote. Another added, "Let’s diet together! I need to do something before I end up in the same position man!"

We’re thrilled to see James hard at work on new content! Subscribers definitely missed the pop of pizazz he brings to each video.
