Vincent Choy Cheung Now: Larry Wong Murder and Chilling Goodbye Message Explained

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Vincent Choy Cheung is widely recognized as a double murderer of his ex-boyfriend and his lover in 1999. Where is he now? Goodbye message explained.

Vincent Choy Cheung, a 27 years old man, was taken into police custody after several proofs against him. The guy murdered Tom and Wong, professionally involved in the musical sector.

The bodies of the music teachers were addressed by their students, stabbed several times with a knife. Tom Whitney and Lawrence Wong, of 60 and 51 years, were newly in love with each other when they died.

They were together after Tom broke up with Choy a few months ago. The one-sided lover was obsessed with seeing them dead and planned the murder at their place.


Where Is Vincent Choy Cheung Now?

In 2003, Vincent Choy Cheung was charged with the first-degree murder of two innocent men leading him to face lifelong imprisonment. So he must be in prison at present. 

On top of that, there was no possibility of parole. 

Psycho For Love: Vincent Choy Cheung killed Guy Thomas Whitney (his ex-lover) and Lawrence Wong

— mylifeofcrime (@mylifeofcrime) November 21, 2014

Larry Wong Murder Timeline: Chilling “Goodbye” Message Explained

The orange country detectives discovered new and solid proof of the Larry Wong Murder case. At Choy’s place, the calendar was marked goodbye on the 27th of July, which is the same date as the murder. 

Although he confessed that he was going to suicide on the date, the excuse was not worthy. The discovery of more than 100 love letters and cards written by Choy completely lightened the case.

The case was finally disclosed to be a matter of psycho love killer. 

Vincent Choy Cheung Wikipedia Bio

Vincent Choy Cheung was 27 years old in 1999. He has to face 4 months imprisonment in 2000 for the theft charges. Again in 2003, after having the entire proof against him, he went for lifelong imprisonment. 

He now happens to be at the age of around 50 years old in 2021. Choy was an obsessed gay lover who could not tolerate seeing his love with someone else.

As a profession, he worked as an actor and a side job. 

Vincent Choy Cheung Family Details

Vincent Choy Cheung’s family is unknown. But one of the victim’s family members, i.e., Wong’s sister, recognized Choy for being the care buyer. He was first taken into police custody for trespassing the forbidden murder area.

After stabbing his ex-lover and the other man more than 30 times each, he sent a message to his friend addressing “I Did It.” 
