Patrick Swayzes Last Words and Photo Before His Death

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Patrick Swayze’s last words were ‘I love you’. He said this to his lovely wife, Lisa Neimi, before losing the battle to cancer in 2009. Despite being dead and gone, his memories still live with her.

Judging by what many sources have confirmed to be Patrick Swayze’s last photo, the late dancer and actor looked frail and fragile while lying on the couch as his days were coming to an end. The picture, which you’ll see as you scroll down, was reportedly released by his wife a few days after he passed.

What Were Patrick Swayze’s Last Words?

As mentioned earlier, Patrick Swayze’s last words were, “I love you”. These were the words he reportedly said to his wife before he slipped into a coma and finally died. According to his widow, Lisa Neimi, she was right by his side when he spoke his last words on the Friday evening he breathed his last.

Lisa explained that her final words to Patrick were that she loved him and in response, he replied that he loved her too. After the reaffirmation of their love, Lisa explained that she brought him home. She revealed that she held his hands and listened to music throughout their journey home. But he went into a terminal coma and died without another word from him.

Patrick Swayze’s Last Photo

As Patrick Swayze’s health deteriorated, he lost much weight and looked skinny. As shown in his last photo before he finally passed, Patrick looked quite different from his usual self. In his last picture, the late dancer lay peacefully on the couch with his pet next to him. This picture was taken months after his diagnosis and released by his widow not long after his death.

Aside from losing many pounds, his head also become bald. Sadly, he looked much older than he should, no thanks to his ill health.

When Did Patrick Swayze Die?

Patrick Swayze died on September 14, 2009, in his home in Los Angeles, California. Earlier in 2007, he was diagnosed with cancer. But miraculously, he outlived his life expectancy and was quite strong in the first few months.

Six months after his cancer diagnosis, the dancer named himself a “Miracle Dude.” This was because he was strong and still went about his business. Mr. Patrick kept a positive attitude until death came knocking on September 14, 2009. Sadly, he yielded to the death call and passed away.

How Did Patrick Swayze Die?

Patrick Swayze died in his Los Angeles home with his family and friends around his deathbed in 2009. In January 2008, Patrick went down with pancreatic cancer and the news came as a death sentence. This was because there were few medications dedicated to arresting the disease.

As a consequence of his ill health, he had to combine chemotherapy treatment and other medications to keep his health stable. After a brave battle with cancer for about 20 months, Patrick finally bowed on his knees to death.

On the Friday evening before he died, he reaffirmed his love to his then-wife, Lisa Neimi, on their way home. As they drove home, his widow explained that she held his hands and slept in his arms while they listened to music.

The couple had spent a week in the hospital where Patrick was hospitalized, but he opted to go home and be with his wife. Not long after his last words, Swayze went into a terminal coma. Lisa, his widow, watched his almost lifeless body taking tiny sips of air.

Unfortunately, his life ended a few days later. While he died, his widow placed a white rose on his breast. She also brought his favorite horse, Roh, to bid him farewell.

What Did Patrick Swayze Die Of?

The dirty dancing star, Patrick Swayze, died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. In an interview with Barbara Walters, he explained the events that led to his diagnosis. According to him, he had serious stomach upset, and indigestion alongside other symptoms that amounted to cancer.

Patrick Swayze's Last Photo

During the interview, he recalled that on 2008 New Year’s Eve, he tried to have a glass of Champagne. In his words, it felt like pouring acid on an open injury. Soon he noticed an unexplainable weight loss and indigestion continued, thus he reported for medical help.

Diagnosed in 2008, it was revealed that the diagnosis came rather late because the disease had begun to spread and was in its fourth stage. Thus, the diagnosis was synonymous with a death sentence as it came with a life expectancy.

Despite carrying a killer disease, the Ghost Star had a positive attitude. Instead of living pitifully, he was determined to set a mark on the earth in his last days. First, he made his predicament public and enlightened people about the illness. Then he continued to work while believing that he would get better.

Meanwhile, his illness has been traced to his smoking habit. The late American actor was a habitual smoker who admitted to smoking 60 sticks of cigarettes per day. Even when he was on chemotherapy treatment, Patrick continued smoking. It is believed that his smoking habit contributed significantly to the illness.

Surprisingly, he miraculously lived 20 months after the diagnosis before cancer snuffed life out of him in 2009.

How Old Was Patrick Swayze When He Died?

Patrick Swayze was 57 years old when he died. Born on August 18, 1952, in Houston Texas, his birth name was Patrick Wanye Swayze. His parents were Pasty and Jess Swayze and while his dad worked as an engineering draughtsman, his mom was a choreographer, dancer, and instructor.

Growing up with his family, he was raised in the suburbs of Houston and had four siblings – two sisters and two brothers. At a young age, he took after his mom’s amazing dancing skills. After being trained to be a professional dancer, he pursued a college degree in dancing and acting.

Though dead, Patrick is well-celebrated for his amazing contributions to the entertainment industry. He was quite popular for his roles in Dirty Dancing and Ghost.

In 1975, Patrick got married to his boyhood sweetheart, Lisa Niemi. They were together until he passed away in 2009. Their union lasted 34 years.
