California Rapper Phora Survives Shooting

May 2024 · 7 minute read

Phora was shot early Tuesday morning (August 25) while driving with his girlfriend on the freeway in Pasadena, California, according to KTLA.

The Corona, California rapper’s car was shot with a .45 three times and he was hit in the back. Once at the hospital, doctors said the bullet was dangerously close to his spine. Phora checked himself out of the hospital out of fear of further attack.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that they were definitely trying to kill me and whoever was with me in the car,” he says.


Phora was stabbed when he was 15 and says that was when he tried to distance himself from the street lifestyle.

“I just don’t wanna be looked at as a typical rapper,” the 20-year-old says. “I’m trying to spread positive message. I have hundreds of songs and not one time do I talk about guns or glorify that type of lifestyle.”

Phora took to Instagram to share more thoughts on the shooting.


“We’re supposed to look out for each other, build with each other, make this world a better place,” he says in one of the posts. “But jealousy, or envy, or even ‘the hood’ can turn good people into something they’re not. Whoever did this, I don’t know how I feel about them. I don’t hate them, but I wanna see your face. I want you to at look me in my eyes. I had my girlfriend inside that car. This is what ‘the hood’ teaches you to do?? Try to kill a person who’s trying to make a difference and set a positive influence in this world while he’s driving with his lady minding his own business ? Don’t you know I’m a son? A brother? and a friend to many people? The people that listen to my music know what I’m about. I’m not a gangster, not affiliated with any of that “hood” bullshit. I’m a man trying to provide for my family. Ignorant people and those who think they’re hood will continue to try and bring me down… But I know who I am. I know what I stand for.”

He has a concert scheduled in Long Beach, California tonight (August 27) and KTLA says that he is planning on still performing, but doing a shorter set for the show.

These streets don't love you. These streets don't wanna see you dog good or make it out. The hood mentality will only have you end up in 2 places. I almost lost my life 2 nights ago, multiple shots fired into my car and one going from my shoulder to the back of my neck/head. I'll survive, but still slowly recovering and going through a lot. The streets make up their rules to keep you TRAPPED in their way of living. Why you think they want you to kill EACH OTHER instead of fighting for a better cause? Why you think they want you slanging dope instead of going to school? Why you think they don't want you to describe a murder or shooting suspect ? So they can keep doing what they do and get away with it, and so you can end up in the same place as them. It's sad to say but it's not only the system were fighting against, but our own people. We're supposed to look out for each other, build with each other, make this world a better place. But jealousy, or envy, or even "the hood" can turn good people into something they're not. Whoever did this, I don't know how I feel about them. I don't hate them, but I wanna see your face. I want you to at look me in my eyes. I had my girlfriend inside that car. This is what "the hood" teaches you to do?? Try to kill a person who's trying to make a difference and set a positive influence in this world while he's driving with his lady minding his own business ? Don't you know I'm a son? A brother? and a friend to many people? The people that listen to my music know what I'm about. I'm not a gangster, not affiliated with any of that "hood" bullshit. I'm a man trying to provide for my family. Ignorant people and those who think they're hood will continue to try and bring me down… But I know who I am. I know what I stand for. This only goes to show I have God on my side, and my karma is good. I have a lot to say… So much. I'm blessed to live another day, I'll be releasing a new song Next week. I must have the Angels with me and watching over me, it could've all been gone in a flash, don't take this life for granted. Enjoy it while you can. I refuse to live my life in fear. I know God has a plan for me, it's all in his hands now.

A photo posted by Phora (@phoraone) on Aug 26, 2015 at 3:24pm PDT

Last night was one of the scariest nights of my life. Some of you may have heard the news reports, but to clear the air, I was driving down the 210 freeway in Pasadena with my girl, when a silver car pulled up and fired 3 shots into my car. I'm blessed to be alive. Dezy is blessed to be alive. The bullet traveled from my shoulder through to my neck up towards the back of my head. I was shot with a .45, and the bullet was stuck in the back of my head/neck JUST MISSING MY SPINAL CHORD, Vertebrae, etc. where I could've been paralyzed for the rest of my life, or even dead. There's only one explanation: God looking over us. Dezy wasn't hit. I checked her and made sure she was okay as I was hitting 90 exiting the freeway doing the best I could to get away. I wouldn't wish this upon ANYONE. I don't know if I was targeted or it was random, but it saddens me to know there's people out there that have no remorse and actually have the nerve to try and take a persons life. This was the second time in my life I've came close to dieing. It's not luck. It's not a coincidence. It's not a miracle. I have a guardian angel, and gods watching over me. It wasn't me time to leave when I got stabbed at 15, and it isn't my time to leave now. God has a plan for me. He has a purpose that I don't even have any idea of, but I know he's putting me through this for a reason. My life could have ended that very moment. Your prayers and your strength was with me and possibly even saved my life today. I'm still in pain, still recovering and going through a LOT right now, but I'm grateful to be alive. Grateful to be breathing. Grateful to have one more day on this earth. Tomorrow is never promised. It made me have a different outlook on life. Life's way too short to be worried about the small things. God has a plan for ALL of us. I believe mine is to make a difference in people's lives. I stand for what I believe in, I will also fight for the greater good of my people, and I will DIE fighting to change this world. No matter what comes in my way, I will always stand for peace and love, no matter how much hatred and violence they try to bring me down with, they won't stop me from fighting.

A photo posted by Phora (@phoraone) on Aug 25, 2015 at 8:32pm PDT
