Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku Death: The Pastor of Lighthouse Chapel in Accra, Ghana, has died

May 2024 · 3 minute read

The world has recently lost a prominent spiritual figure, Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku, the Pastor of Lighthouse Chapel in Accra, Ghana. His sudden demise has left a deep void within his community and beyond. The news of his death has spread across various online platforms, prompting many to express their sorrow and gratitude for the spiritual guidance he provided throughout his tenure.

Who was Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku?

Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku was not just a pastor but also a missionary who made significant contributions to the Lighthouse Group of Churches. His influence extended far beyond the confines of his church, touching countless lives in his local community and beyond. He was known for his love, leadership, and guidance, inspiring many to spread the message of Christ.

Oko Bortei-Doku Career

Throughout his career, Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku served as a beacon of spiritual guidance. His teachings and sermons were known to resonate with many, leading them toward a path of faith and devotion. His dedication to his mission and his unwavering commitment to his faith made him a revered figure within the Lighthouse Group of Churches and the broader religious community.

How Did Oko Bortei-Doku Die?

At present, the details surrounding Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku’s death remain undisclosed. The lack of information has sparked speculation and inquiries among his followers and the wider community. Many are eagerly awaiting an official statement that will shed light on the circumstances leading to his untimely departure.

Samuel Boateng Asunadu

Our last day together at the cathedral you built from scratch. A gallant commander indeed in the army of The Lord you were, Bishop Oko Bortei-doku. You poured your whole self into building God’s people and this cathedral. You made many many many long journeys to this construction site everyday even when you were not well. You put your all into this. Your energy, time, creativity and innovation, energy, resources, love and your life.I’m sure you now see the rewards of your love and sacrifices for God in Heaven now.Thank you for being such a real example of what it means to serve The LORD our GOD with all your heart.The tears flowing down my cheeks now are only because we will really really really miss you. But we are joyful because we know you are now with the Jesus you soooooo loved and pointed all of us to.We’d love you forever.

What was the Cause of Oko Bortei-Doku Death?

The cause of Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku’s death is currently unknown. The absence of specific details has only added to the air of mystery surrounding his passing. As people grapple with this loss, they seek clarity and understanding about what led to the demise of this esteemed spiritual figure.

Oko Bortei-Doku Obituary

Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku’s obituary paints a picture of a man deeply committed to his faith and his community. He was a beacon of spiritual guidance, leading many towards a path of devotion and enlightenment. His sudden departure has left a profound void, but his influence and teachings continue to live on in those he touched.

Pris Cilla

I have just had to break this sad news to my sons. We are all devastated to say the least. It was such a buzz in our home when they knew that Pastor Oko was coming to England for a Camp. You were a true son of the house and we are sad to learn of your demise. R. I. P Bishop Oko Bortei-Doku
