Who was Shani Louk? Pick-up truck video sparks massive outrage online amid Israel-Hamas war

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, a video has emerged online that shows a semi-na*ed woman, identified as Shani Louk, being paraded in the back of a Hamas pickup truck. The video has been drawing outrage on the internet, and several social media users reacted by saying that this video is giving them chills.

Shani Louk, a 30-year-old German-origin woman, went to Israel to attend a music festival for peace. During this time, Hamas attacked Israel, and Shani was among the people who were seized by terrorists. In the surprise attack, 432 people died, and more than 3,200 were left injured.

The video that is doing rounds on the internet allegedly shows Shani's body in the back of the pickup truck, and the terrorists are seen sitting around her. Moreover, it can also be seen that the supporters of Hamas were cheering for this and were spitting on the semi-na*ed body.

Earlier, Hamas claimed that the body was that of an Israeli soldier. However, Shani's cousin, Tomasina Louk, confirmed that they recognized Shani by her leg tattoo, and they found that it was the 30-year-old.

It is also worth noting that Shani is a tattoo artist and a German citizen. Tomasina also told the Washington Post that the family was aware that she was attending the music festival for peace, but little did they know that something like this would happen.

Social media users react to the viral video of Shani Louk, they called it heartwrenching

As internet users came across the video of Shani Louk's body being paraded on the back of the truck, they were left in shock. Several people reacted to the video by saying that this is cruel and why Hamas targeted a German woman.

Social media users react to Shani's news (Image via snip from X/@visegrad24)
Internet users react to Shani's news (Image via snip from X/@visegrad24)

Moreover, Shani's mother also shared a video online in which she showed the picture of her daughter on her phone and said that if anyone comes across more details about her daughter, they should share it. She further said in the heartbreaking video:

"This morning my daughter, Shani Nicole Louk, a German citizen, was kidnapped with a group of tourists in southern Israel by Palestinian Hamas. We were sent a video in which I could clearly see our daughter unconscious in the car with the Palestinians and them driving around the Gaza Strip."

Shani Louk's mother concluded by saying that all she was asking for was a little help with any news about her daughter.

There are several other videos from Israel doing the rounds on the internet in which the terrorists are seen taking some people with them as hostages. In another video that is doing the rounds on the internet, it can be seen that a woman was being taken away by two men, and she was screaming for help and saying, "Don't kill me."

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