Who is Lorena Manas? Meet Darwin Nunezs partner who was previously married to ex-Barcelona player

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Liverpool striker Darwin Nunez's partner Lorena Manas was previously married to former Barcelona player Aleix Vidal, according to reports.

Nunez became a Liverpool hero on Sunday, scoring two late goals in the Reds' dramatic 2-1 win over Newcastle United at St James' Park.

The Uruguayan striker was subbed on in the 77th minute for Argentine midfielder Alexis Mac Allister. He immediately showed his worth, as he grabbed Liverpool's equalizer just four minutes after coming on as a substitute.

He then went on to score his second and the eventual match winner deep into stoppage time. The goal ensured that Liverpool, who were reduced to 10 men after Virgil van Dijk received his marching orders in the 28th minute, came from behind to secure three crucial points.

Off the pitch, Nunuez is currently in a relationship with Lorena Manas. The couple have a son together, who was born on January 3, 2022 in Almeria, where the couple met during Nunez's time with Portuguese club side Benfica. He eventually went on to secure an £85 million move to Liverpool months later.

Nunez's partner, Manas, was reportedly married to former Barcelona wingback Vidal, according to news outlet AS. The now-separated couple gave birth to a daughter named Chloe.

Manas went on to meet Uruguay international Darwin Nunez in 2020 in Almeria, during the striker's time with Benfica. The couple both reside in Merseyside together with their son, Darwin Jr.

Jurgen Klopp reveals that Darwin Nunez was fired up for Newcastle United game

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp heaped praise on Darwin Nunez's performance against Newcastle United.

The 24-year-old striker bagged a brace in 13 minutes as they secured an emphatic comeback win against the Magpies.

Klopp's men went behind in the 25th minute via Anthony Gordon's strike and were reduced to 10 men three minutes later as captain Virgil van Djik was shown a straight red.

However, it was the introduction of Darwin Nunez in the 77th minute that changed the complexion of the game.

Speaking to Sky Sports following the game, Klopp revealed that Nunez was "fired up" for the game. He said:

"He [Darwin Nunez] was obviously fired up from not playing, not starting, then put all the energy in these two shots. We could have scored before, we had really good chances, really good football moments – like Diogo and Mo, really good. It was a super mature performance and two top-class goals."

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