Who Are Nick Fuentes Parents? Details On Former YouTuber Family

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Former YouTuber Nick Fuentes' parents Lauren And Bill Fuentes seem to be supportive of his WhiteNationalist activity.

Reporters on Twitter say they were aware of his business when he hosted his talk show in his parent's basement until he moved in 2022.

He's been in the news since the "Unite the Right" event in 2017, and there's no way his family is unaware of his actions.

Who Are Nick Fuentes Parents?

Nick Fuentes is born to his parents Lauren and Bill Fuentes, in Bogota. 

He was just two years old when their family migrated to the US with the help of his aunt. They settled in Rockaway, N.J., and started a new life away from the growing violence caused by the illegal drug trade in their native country.

Fuentes' father was an employee at an architectural firm in Colombia, and his mother worked in the banking sector. Started with hourly jobs to support the family, and Fuentes is doing well now with good placement. His father eventually worked in information technology after earning a certificate.

Bill also served as a director ta Procurement Operations and Strategic Sourcing and is currently the Vice President at RBI bearing based in Roselle, Illinois.

Similarly, his mother is a tax season accountant, his sister is in junior high, and he is a mechanical engineer/business graduate from  NJIT.

In May 2019, Nick received his baccalaureate, making him the first in his family to graduate from university. Being a first-generation college student, he mentioned he felt anxious, alone, and insecure from time to time. 

His parents were always by his side to give him emotional and moral support and insisted on the importance of education. Nick Fuentes is a WhiteNationalist streamer and a disbeliever of multiculturalism.  

Even now, with the controversy surrounding him, netizens write that their parents knew about it and supported it.

Nick Fuentes' Family Allowed Him To Live-Stream

A Twitter user, Move Silent Sam, claimed that Nick Fuentes's family pleaded guilty to supporting his son's racism.

According to the user, Bill and Lauren Chicco Fuentes allowed Nick to live-stream his WhiteNationalist talk show from their basement at home for years. He also urged Bill's employers, FBI Bearing and PTDA, to investigate whether Bill has violated any company policy by supporting and encouraging the WhiteNationalist activity of his son.

Though Bill did not actively participate in Nick's podcast, he is considered guilty of allowing Nick to spread racism and start a racist organization from his basement for five years. Nicholas was also featured in the national news since 2017, when he took part in the racist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

However, Nick's mother, Lauren, is referred to as racist by Move Silent Sam since she actively encouraged his activity. She even participated in his talk show on Christmas 2021 to wish all his followers a Merry Christmas.

She also reportedly made racist comments about a recent shooting. This was her first appearance on his show, and he hoped it would not get her in trouble.

Furthermore, after his documentary, WhiteSupremacy Ruined My Life, was released by MTV News in 2019, her mother wrote an email to MTV accusing them of running their family name.

According to his mother, MTV initially approached them to film a true-life episode that will reflect a different perspective of him. But when releasing the clip, they selected those scenes that will portray him in a negative life. She lamented the news and called them ashamed.

Now, talking about his younger sister, she hasn't made any connection to his talk show and shared his belief.

Nick Fuentes Is A Former YouTuber

Nick Fuentes, previously known as a YouTuber, is on his podcast all over the news for WhiteNationalist talks.

He is a WhiteNationalist live streamer who argues for the Republican Party to move further to the far right of the political spectrum.

He is an outspoken admirer of fascists like Mussolini, Fuentes emerged as an influential figure on the national stage during the now-infamous "Stop the Steal" movement. The movement claimed that Donald Trump controlled the 2020 election and tried to overturn his results. 

He never entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, but he wore a VIP badge during Trump's speech and spoke to supporters outside the building during the riot.

Since then, Fuentes has shot Jan. 6 conspiracies, explicitly celebrating his role in spreading lies about the 2020 election. In February 2021, he tweeted that the US Capitol riot was "just a big psyop/false flag". Later that year, he began calling January 6 "impressive."

For the first anniversary of Jan 6, he told his Livestream viewers that he considers the date a celebration. He called it "part of our new heritage" and "part of our new history." He has claimed financial and legal setbacks following the investigation into his alleged participation in the "Stop the Steal" movement.

The House Committee on Information Seeking January 6 summoned Fuentes on January 19, 2022, with a press release confirming that the FBI had been investigating Fuentes' finances in the aftermath of the attack.

YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, and even DLive and pro-Trump site GETTR have banned Fuentes from their services. It left him to tinker with independently created streaming platforms like Telegram and Gab. He initially rose to prominence through YouTube, where he generated donations through the company's Super Chat feature. There he used to broadcast the comments of critics who pay him.

YouTube suspended Fuentes in 2020, after which he migrated to DLive, but it also suspended Fuentes in 2021. He was eventually banned from Twitter.

His former ally, Patrick Casey, has accused the live streamer of cultivating a "cult vibe" among his fans.

In response, Fuentes explained in a February 2021 live stream that he "doesn't think cults are necessarily bad," and it's the only place loyalty resides. Some Republican lawmakers and conservative pundits have publicly associated with Fuentes, such as Representative Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., former Congressman Steve King, R-Iowa, and Senator from Arizona.
