Eric Garcetti wife: Who is Amy Wakeland?

May 2024 · 4 minute read


Eric Garcetti wife: Who is Amy Wakeland? – Eric Garcetti is the 42nd and current mayor of Los Angeles, having taken office in 2013. He was elected as a member of the Democratic Party in 2013 and was re-elected in 2017.

Garcetti, a former member of the Los Angeles City Council, was City Council President from 2006 to 2012. He is the city’s first elected Jewish mayor and its second Mexican American mayor in a row.

President Joe Biden nominated Garcetti as the United States Ambassador to India in July 2021, but by May 2022, it was clear that Garcetti would not receive the necessary Senate votes for confirmation.

Garcetti was born in Los Angeles and raised in the San Fernando Valley town of Encino. He is the son of Sukey and former Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti.

Salvador Garcetti, Garcetti’s paternal grandfather, was born in Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico. Salvador was brought to the United States as a child by his family after his father, Massimo “Max” Garcetti, was executed by hanging during the Mexican Revolution.


Max had emigrated from Italy to Mexico. He married a Mexican woman and went on to become a judge.

Juanita Iberri, his paternal grandmother, was born in Arizona, the 19th child of an immigrant father from Sonora, Mexico, and an Arizona-born mother whose father and mother were both Mexican.

Garcetti’s maternal grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. His maternal grandfather, Harry Roth, founded and ran the clothing company Louis Roth Clothes. Garcetti’s family observed Passover and Chanukah, and he attended a Jewish camp.

Eric Garcetti wife: Who is Amy Wakeland?

Amy Wakeland happens to be the beautiful and lovely wife of Eric Garcetti. They have really shown that indeed celebrities and top personalities can be married for a long time.

Amy Wakeland biography

Amy Wakeland is a public policy expert, political strategist, and women and children’s advocate. She donates her time to organizations that fight domestic and sexual violence, safeguard children from harm and neglect, and help low-income families with their finances.


She has spearheaded numerous projects that provide undocumented immigrants and Angelenos without homes with the resources and opportunities to which they are legally entitled.

Ms. Wakeland started the city of Los Angeles’s first-ever data-driven analysis of the status of women and girls in 2013. Since then, she has provided guidance for a wide range of initiatives aimed at enhancing women’s and girls’ civic engagement and expanding their access to public services.

Due to her efforts, women now make up at least half of appointments to L.A.’s commissions and boards for the first time in city history, and at least half of the participants in the Mayor’s Youth Council and other significant youth initiatives are female.

Additionally, L.A. has mandated that all City departments create gender equity plans, designate gender equity officers, and routinely report their advancements in this area.

As the First Lady of Los Angeles, Ms. Wakeland has planned a wide range of activities to promote, support, and fairly include women from all socioeconomic backgrounds and life experiences in leadership and employment.

In professions like firefighting, technology, and engineering where women are notably underrepresented, many of these events are geared toward them.

The first LA State of Women and Girls Address and Young Women’s Assembly were started and hosted by Ms. Wakeland in 2017.

Over 1,000 women and girls engage with women who have succeeded in fields traditionally dominated by men, such as sports, science, and elected office at this now-annual gathering, where they learn how their local government is serving them and how to advocate for their needs and interests.

Eric Garcetti wife’s age

Amy Wakeland was born on August 28, 1969. So, as of 2022, she was 51 years old.

How long have Eric Garcetti and Amy Wakeland been married

Eric Garcetti and Amy Lakeland have got married in 2009. As of 2022, they have been married for 12 years.



