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May 2024 · 3 minute read

A community is grieving after a 6-year-old boy was accidentally shot and killed during a deer hunting trip in rural South Carolina on Friday, November 18th. The victim has been identified by family as Avery Davis of Orangeburg County. Investigators are still piecing together the circumstances surrounding this heartbreaking incident.

Friday Morning Hunting Trip Ends in Tragedy

According to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), the accidental shooting occurred early Friday morning off of Whisperwood Road, near the Calhoun County line in Orangeburg County.

Avery Davis, just 6 years old, tragically died of a gunshot wound after apparently being struck by a hunter's errant shot during the deer hunting excursion. Emergency medical responders rushed the boy to Prisma Health Richland Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

State Wildlife Agency Investigating

SCDNR officials have launched an investigation into the fatal hunting mishap. While details remain limited at this stage, the agency did confirm investigators believe the shooting was unintentional based on initial findings.

The Orangeburg County Coroner's Office is working hand-in-hand with SCDNR officers to piece together exactly what transpired in the woods Friday morning and how this bright young life was cut short.

Father Hopes Son's Death Prevents Future Tragedy

In a poignant public statement, Avery Davis's grieving father expressed appreciation for the outpouring of community support and prayers. He described his son as having a “bright soul and big heart."

Coping with the anguish of losing a child, Davis's father also noted his son was an organ donor whose legacy can "live on through others." He added, "I couldn't be prouder of my son, and rest assured he will never be forgotten."

There is hope that even in devastating loss, important lessons surrounding hunting safety and supervision of minors may help prevent other hunting accidents.

South Carolina Community Mourns

Residents of Orangeburg County and across South Carolina are aching along with Avery Davis’s loved ones after hearing of this tragedy. A vibrant young life was cut abruptly short due to apparent lapses in hunting protocols and supervision.

Outdoors enthusiasts are again reminded that establishing clear lines of sight and fire and adhering to the highest safety standards is paramount anytime firearms are present. One errant shot ended this precious child’s future, emphasizing the need for unwavering diligence.

Hunting Tradition Goes Terribly Awry

For generations, deer hunting has been a cherished tradition binding South Carolina families together. Yet this beloved pastime turned deadly in a split second of oversight or recklessness.

Officials reiterate that following rigorous protocols separating hunters’ zones of fire cannot be optional. Any failure to delineate fields of fire risks lives being lost, as evidenced by this tragedy claiming an innocent 6-year-old.

The South Carolina community unites behind Avery Davis’s grieving family while reinforcing that no hunting excursion is worth even the slightest compromise of safety standards.
