Who Is Lori Williams Seattle? Husband Yuri Williams Cheating Find Her on Facebook

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Lori Williams from Seattle is the woman who smashed her husband’s testicles when she found out he was cheating on her. Get more information about her revenge.

Lori Williams is a wife and mother to two kids in Seattle. She is currently in the headlines for getting revenge on her husband who cheated on her.

Who Is Lori Williams Seattle?

Lori Williams is a woman from Seattle who is trending on headlines at present. According to Daily News Report, she smashed her partner’s testicle after she found out he was cheating on her.

She is a mother and a wife who lives with her kids and husband along with a cat and two dogs. Her spouse is said to be a realtor.

It was not unusual for the couple to surprise each other with gits or a lunch/dinner date. Thus, one day she decided to surprise her husband with a lunch. She prepared his favorite hoagie and even threw in a single IPA.

She called his secretary to find out where he was. When she reached the location, she heard someone chattering and giggling. As a curious person, she went up to take a sneak peek where she found her husband getting physical with the woman who was going to buy that house.

She did not want to air their dirty laundry in public. SO, she returned back and started to plot her revenge.

Lori Williams Husband Yuri Williams Cheating

Lori Williams went home after she found her husband Yuri cheating on her. After reaching home, she made a plan to get back to her husband and make him realize that he was a family man.

Around 2 am in the morning, she woke up and took out her wedding album of 10lb. Her spouse usually sleeps naked and has the habit of throwing off the covers.

She opened the album and gently placed it on his thighs. She opened the pages in such a way so that both balls would be placed inside when she smashed them.

She grabbed the front and back of the album and with all her might, she shut the album as hard as she could. Her partner woke up with a scream in nanoseconds.

He was in pain and she immediately called the ambulance to drive him to the hospital. She admitted that it was all her doing. However, her husband is now erect and they are separated.

Find Lori Williams on Facebook

Lori Williams cannot be found on Facebook. There is no information about her on any social media platforms.
