When Does Rio Get Out of Jail in Good Girls?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Good Girls is a popular crime comedy-drama series that follows the lives of three suburban mothers who turn to a life of crime to make ends meet. One of the most intriguing characters in the show is Rio, a charismatic and ruthless gang leader who has a complicated relationship with Beth, the leader of the trio of women. Rio is played by Manny Montana, who has won many fans for his portrayal of the anti-hero.

Rio has been in and out of jail several times throughout the series, but his latest incarceration at the end of season 3 left many viewers wondering when he will be released and what will happen next. In this article, we will explore the possible scenarios for Rio’s fate in season 4 and beyond.

How Did Rio End Up in Jail?

Rio’s criminal activities have attracted the attention of the FBI, especially Agent Turner, who has been obsessed with bringing him down. In season 2 finale, Turner kidnapped Rio and gave Beth a gun to shoot him, hoping to make her an informant. However, Beth shot Rio three times in the chest and left him for dead, while Turner called 911 to save him.

Rio survived the shooting and was taken to the hospital, where he was arrested by the FBI. He was charged with multiple counts of murder, drug trafficking, money laundering, and other crimes. He pleaded not guilty and was denied bail.

What Happened to Rio in Season 3?

Season 3 showed Rio’s trial and his attempts to escape from prison. He hired a lawyer named Nick, who turned out to be his brother or cousin. Nick tried to discredit Turner’s testimony and evidence, as well as intimidate Beth and her friends into keeping quiet. He also arranged for a prison riot to help Rio escape, but the plan failed when Turner intervened.

Rio also continued to manipulate Beth from behind bars, sending her messages and threats through his associates. He demanded that she resume their counterfeiting operation and pay him a cut of the profits. He also revealed that he had a son named Marcus, whom he wanted Beth to meet.

When Will Rio Be Released from Jail?

The season 3 finale ended with a cliffhanger, as Beth shot Turner in self-defense after he attacked her at her home. She then called Rio and asked him to help her get rid of the body. Rio agreed, but only if she killed him herself. Beth hesitated, but then pulled the trigger.

However, it is unclear whether she actually killed Turner or not. The showrunners have confirmed that Turner is alive in season 4, but his fate is still uncertain. It is possible that Beth shot him in a non-fatal spot, or that she missed him entirely. Either way, Turner’s survival could have serious consequences for both Beth and Rio.

If Turner dies, Beth could face murder charges and become a fugitive. She could also implicate Rio in the crime, or try to frame him for it. If Turner lives, he could expose Beth’s involvement in Rio’s crimes, or try to strike a deal with her to testify against him. He could also seek revenge on both of them.

Regardless of what happens to Turner, Rio still faces a long and difficult legal battle. His chances of getting acquitted or getting a plea deal are slim, given the amount of evidence against him. He could also face additional charges for his involvement in Turner’s shooting. Therefore, it is unlikely that Rio will be released from jail anytime soon.

What Will Happen to Rio in Season 4?

Season 4 will explore the aftermath of Turner’s shooting and how it affects Beth and Rio’s relationship. The showrunners have teased that there will be more twists and turns in their story, as well as more insight into Rio’s background and family. They have also hinted that there will be more romance and tension between them.

Rio will also have to deal with new threats and challenges in prison, such as rival gangs, corrupt guards, and possible assassination attempts. He will also have to protect his son Marcus from danger, as well as his ex-wife Rhea, who has become close to Beth.

Rio’s fate in Good Girls is still uncertain, but one thing is clear: he is not going down without a fight. He is a smart and resourceful criminal who always finds a way to survive and get what he wants. He is also deeply attracted to Beth, who is his equal in many ways. Whether they end up together or apart, their relationship will continue to be one of the most compelling aspects of the show.
